Category Archives: Uncategorized

Black and White Loved ones…

…my birthday is coming up! 😉

Click to order:

Übersized wanted!





Boskke white planters









To be continued!

Werner Herzog eats his shoe

Over thirty years ago, Werner Herzog challenged Errol Morris to shoot his first documentary. Morris had been plagued by non-starts in other creative areas like music and writing, and doubted he had the resources to accomplish the task.

Herzog declared that we would eat his shoes if Errol just made the damn movie. The result was Morris’ Gates of Heaven, a prolific award-winning career for Morris and this documentary short by Les Blank. Part 1 shown above, Part 2 here.
via Jack Cheng on tumblr

I <3 Nørrebro

Lately I find myself talking about Nørrebro as if it’s a dangerous place to live…

I don’t think it is, unless you’re are in a gang and think shooting your enemies is a smart idea (or just very very unlucky)! And even though Nørrebro has been in the news many times over the last few years with less than attractive stories about street riots, burning cars, gangs, drug dealers and drive by shootings, I actually feel very safe living here.


Nørrebro by Aaron Bateman on Flickr

I love Nørrebro with it’s crazy mix of people from all over the world, vegetable and grocery stores that are open every day at late hours, young people hanging out on street corners in sofas listening to music from their pimped up street-party-bikes and bums telling you weird stories while you’re trying to buy milk at ALDI’s!

Granted, I live in the middle of a pretty nice and qiuet part of the neighborhood, surrounden by two parks and mostly danish families with children (at least in my street), but I’m sure other people feel the same way as I do. Once you go Nørrebro, you can’t imagine living anywhere else in Copenhagen!

So, what I want to know is: what do you love about Nørrebro?


Since I moved “house” recently, I thought I’ld revise my “about” page.

Welcome to my “new” home in cyberspace (Oh, why did that word ever go out of fashion?).

I recently realized I’ve been blogging about stuff since September 2005. My first blog posts were a deliberate mash of German, Danish and English ramblings about all kinds of stuff.. my life, work, friends and family, stuff…
Not much has changed since then. The German blog posts have become rare, I must admit. I still blog in both Danish and English, depending on my mood and the language an idea speaks.

I’m fascinated by beautiful design, art, ideas and people.

I’m not a big complainer, I hate negativeness (is that a word?) and the only things that really make me furious have to do with people destroying other peoples lives. People in too much power, people with too much testosterone (sorry guys), people with guns, people with no heart, people with no brain, people with no compassion for other people… argh!

Positive thoughts (or vibes if you will) usually make my day and I practice them as often as I can. You should try them too… strangely enough they usually make you happy! 😉

In short: this blog is 99% pleasant, happy, beautiful, positive or just simply content with what life has to offer. I hope you can handle that. 😉

Want to find me somewhere else on the internet?

Look for lauramaki on gmail, flickr, skype, twitter etc.

Have a nice day”

Btw, If you want to give me a “housewarming” gift, please share something in the comments… preferably something beautiful! 🙂

HAL 9000

hal9000Agatea (my MacBook) has got a new pal… his name is HAL and he used to be a well known actor. Joe Mackenzie thought he should have his own web site and put him on the internet for everyone to enjoy. Now he shows his pretty face on my screen whenever Agatea is about to get bored by doing nothing for a while… Love this screensaver… I hope he doesn’t go bananas on me!

…oh and he sings too!

via Sci-Fi Hi-Fi

Igang igen igen! Nu med nips…

SĂĽ er det vist pĂĽ tide jeg fĂĽr pustet lidt liv i bloggen igen. Det er jo ved at vĂŚre lĂŚnge siden og det er kun blevet til et par forkølede updates herinde det sidste ĂĽrs tid. Har ikke fĂĽet gjort noget ved layoutet herinde heller… og nej jeg er ikke farveblind… ved godt himlen er blĂĽ… det mĂĽ vi ogsĂĽ have gjort noget ved…

Mon man skulle lave en plan… hmmm… det mĂĽ vi lige se pĂĽ…
Indtil da für i lige lov at beundre de sidste par müneders yndlingsindkøb:

goldfish necklace

Denne lille bitte (hehe) guldfisk købte jeg til mig selv i fødselsdagsgave! Totalt favorit! Goldfish Necklace af den svenske designer astridlinnea, via


Min nye "hündtaske"! Weee, købt pü genbrug!


Etsy nips 😀

Øreringe og ringe cremefarvede roser, asiatiske blomster via outoftheblue
Røde knapøreringe, rose-nül og antikt ørebling via lotusflwrs

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Recent conversations on SkypeChat

me: emoticon-0109-kiss1

my guy: emoticon-0115-inlove

me: emoticon-0102-bigsmile

my guy: emoticon-0111-blush

Cheesy.. I know! Hehe

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European Film Awards


originally uploaded by [Zakkaliciousness].

Eva and me on the red carpet after having a chat with the chauffeurs…
A real busy night, didn’t have time to pose for any camera’s. So thanks to Mikael ( for cycling by and taking this snap shot! 😀

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Kalenderpigen Laura

Den der flytning har vist lange udsigter – er ikke rigtigt kommet igang pĂĽ wordpress endnu og har heller ikke haft tid til at blogge lĂŚnge. (Faktisk kan alle ĂĽrets indlĂŚg ses pĂĽ en side, hvilket jeg synes er lidt pinligt!)

Meeeeen, før jeg gĂĽr igang med de store indlĂŚg (dem har jeg nemlig slet ikke tid til lige nu)… ville jeg lige blĂŚre mig lidt med at jeg kan skrive kalenderpige pĂĽ mit cv! Hehe og nej, det er ganske harmløst!

Tak til søde Henriette! LĂŚs Line og Henriettes blog pĂĽ – IT-girls om fashion, vintage, geek, business og tech.